Exceptives: English, Russian and beyond
21 ноября 2018 года
аудитория П-11
начало в 18:00
Maria Polinsky
Professor of Linguistics
Harvard / University of Maryland (joint work with Eric Potsdam)
Exceptives are constructions that express exclusion, e.g. Они ни о чем не могут думать, кроме слова «кроме». Researchers recognize two kinds of exceptives: connected and free. In connected exceptives (Все, кроме Маши, засмеялись), the exceptive phrase, кроме XP, is a nominal modifier attached to the restricted quantifier все. In free exceptives (Все засмеялись, кроме Маши), the exceptive phrase is a clause-peripheral clausal modifier. I will show that free exceptives are not a cross-linguistically uniform syntactic phenomenon. In English, free exceptives (formed with except XP) are derived by clausal ellipsis; the same analysis applies to Russian free exceptives with кроме как. Meanwhile, Russian free exceptives formed with кроме are derived in a different manner, namely as phrasal adjuncts. Given different derivations of free exceptives, it is critical to understand whether the choice between phrasal and clausal strategy is determined by independent properties. I present several hypotheses concerning cross-linguistic distribution of clausal and phrasal free exceptives. I also discuss the relation between exceptive constructions and ellipsis, especially in connection to island violation repairs.