The 12th conference “Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters”
12-14 October 2022
Call for papers
We invite paper proposals discussing the interaction of morphological and syntactic mechanisms, interfaces between syntax, prosody and information structure and showing the interplay of general, type-specific and language-specific morphological and syntactic features through the detailed analysis of world’s languages. Submissions will be rated by experts and selected by the Program Committee.
The deadline for abstract submission is July 15, 2022.
Submission guidelines:
— Abstracts should be between 1 and 2 pages (except references), with 12 points font, 1 point spacing, all margins 2,5 cm;
— Abstracts should represent the topic of the talk and contain information about the problem, set of data and main results;
— One can submit one personal and one co-authered abstract;
— Abstracts should be anonymous with no reference to grants or other sources of financial support.
Authors whose submissions will be accepted will be given an opportunity to send the corrected version of an abstract before the materials are uploaded on the conference website. Paper proposals that do not fall in the criteria described above will not be admitted for the reviewing procedure.
Abstracts should be sent to the following email address: (sic!).
The author’s or authors’ first name, family name, affiliation, email and contact phone number should be specified in the body of the email.
The languages of the conference are English and Russian.